Apartment Sweet Apartment

Our First Home! When Cameron and I first started looking for a place to live while we were engaged we toured the good, the bad, and the eww gross! You think I am just being a girl and exaggerating but Cam literally pulled up to one place and turned around before I could get out of the car.  We went into some apartments that were so old  I was afraid a mouse was going to be my neighbor.  Well...

Merry Christmas and New Traditions

A little behind in the blogging of the adventures of Mr. & Mrs. Smith and I do apologize!  Christmas break seems forever ago but what a fantastic vacation it was.  We spent Christmas in Utah with Cameron's family.  Mom, Dad, and Kenz drove up from Arizona and we all had a party at G&G Jardines'!  Brielle and the Bluth family also spent the holiday in Utah so we got to...

Finals Week

Alright, so it's begun.  The dreaded finals week kicked off with an early start in the Smith household.  Cam had his first exam at 7am this morning! Then I finished two of my exams which were turning in papers which is always nice.  Tomorrow is we have BioChem, Sculpture, Gold 2 Latin, History of Creativity and a paper for my internship.  Not as bad as it seems actually but we...


 It is truly official! We went down to Arizona for Thanksgiving to see our wonderful family and spend time enjoying that warm weather!  The Tuesday after Turkey Day Cameron had his dental school interview with Midwestern University.  He was very excited for the opportunity and the day he had been preparing so long for. He had to be in Glendale ready for his interview at 7:30am.  Pretty early...