For my birthday every year I try to run some kind of race, usually just a 5k or a fun run but it’s an awesome way to kick start my day! This year was awesome because I ran The Bubble Run on my actual birthday and it was my first event back since having Ryker. I am not going to lie it was challenging and my abs were on fire but I did it and I was happy having my boys cheering me on at the finish line ?
Review of the Run: It was a great race for families and kids would really love to do it. The bubbles were more like foam but the color came out of my clothes and off my skin really well. A lot of people ran with stroller and it looked like a complete mess to clean up :/ The swag bag was pretty standard for a 5k with a t-shirt, face tattoo, sweat band, flyers etc. There were a TON of walkers, I would say well over 90% walked so if you want to run try to be up front and in the first heat of racers. Definitely had to dodge a lot of people from previous groups. Overall super fun but would probably only do it again if I had kids or a group to run with ?