Photos by: Kourtney Marie Photography
Dress: Old Navy (check it out as a romper) | Shoes: Target | Booby Boons Lactation Cookies: Stork & Dove c/o | Nursing Cover: Covered Goods c/o
Happy #worldbreastfeedingweek I wanted to share some of my feelings but I know not all moms choose to breast feed or can breast feed and I hope with all my heart not to offend anyone. This is a public blog where I come to share my thoughts and experiences but it is also a journal for my family & me.
Right after I had Ryker, one of my seasoned mama friends asked me if I had a nursing cover & I didn’t even really know what that was so the answer was, “Yah.., no.”
A few days later a cute little package showed up on my door step & I pulled out a Covered Goods nursing cover. It was super lightweight (arizona mama lovin that) with navy and beige stripes. Just darling & fit his nursery colors – double plus plus! I Googled the store & was seriously impressed. This piece of fabric does like a zillion different things which means it must make my life easier. SOLD.
I was exclusively breast feeding & it was going great but I would either be at home or use someone’s room for privacy if I was out & wasn’t really feeling confident to try in public. I kept my cover close to use over the car seat to keep people’s hands away from my newborn or block him from the sun & I loved it!
One night Cam was asked to dinner at a fancy restaurant on a potential job interview & they generously invited baby Ryker & I to attend as well. A one hour meal quickly turned into three & Ryker got HANGRY fast. They told me they didn’t mind if I fed him & I must have looked like a deer in the headlights—my thoughts went something like this:
–We valeted the car so… do I nurse in a bathroom stall?
–No that’s gross.
–How am I going to do this?
–I think they think I bottle feed; do I ask if they mind?
–Is there a proper way to ask that?
–Cameron, HELP!
–He’snot even making eye contact with me. HUSBAND read my mind!
–Wait! I have a dress on. Crap.
–Did I bring a bottle?
–This could be his BOSS!
–Well if I did have a bottle I definitely don’t have anything to put in it.
–Wait how am I supposed to get this dress off?
*insert palm to forehead here*
Then I remembered my cover Brooke sent me! Whelp, here goes… in front of Cam’s potential boss of all places. That night I lost a few years off my life but it also forced me to breastfeed in public & it was so NOT a big deal. I had heard about the lady at Starbucks that got yelled at by some crazy customer or the horror stories of people embarrassing struggling moms but my experience was such the opposite and I am so grateful for Covered Goods. After that night I contacted them about a blog post because I love to share products that I USE and that I LOVE. You can use it as a car seat cover, scarf, nursing cover or to line you shopping buggy. This is something I will always recommend; thanks for the heads up B! Also, if you are looking for nursing tips or a link to some delicious lactation cookies check HERE.
Two weeks ago our breastfeeding journey came to an end & I seriously have cried over it more than I thought I would or probably should. My goal was 6 months, we made it 7 & I am so grateful that we did. I can’t really describe why I loved nursing so much, I just did.
One thing that helped me settle into this new phase of Mamahood is knowing that it is not important if you breast fed, bottle fed or formula fed. It is important that your baby gets fed.
It’s the little things in life to be grateful for and I’m having too much fun loving Ryker to cry over spilled, leaking or lack of milk ?