Do you ever wish you had a Fairy Godmother that could wave her wand and magically provide you with endless energy to workout?
Last week I got hit hard with a cold/flu bug and had zero desire to move off my couch never mind drag my booty to workout. But this week I knew I had to get back on track and into my routine. I thrive off a good routine and staying organized but I dreaded my first workout back. I am going to be one hundred with y’all and admit that I have never tried a pre-workout supplement before. I honestly have no idea why because tonight I tried out IdealFit Stim Free Pre-Workout and I am a believer!
*Insert Fairy Godmother Here*
Not to be crazy dramatic, but going on my run tonight I felt like I had endless energy. I had a great pace that I felt I could hold for an extra mile than my normal runs. Coming off being sick – I found this to be a pretty big deal.
IdealLean has supplements designed especially for women. I tried out the Pink Lemonade Pre-Workout which tasted SURPRISE like pink lemonade! It was cool and refreshing.
They also have a protein shake for day to day or to refuel after a workout. I did the chocolate brownie flavor with some ice and almond milk!
Have you ever used a workout supplement? How did it effect your energy levels? Head over to IdealFit to try some of my favorites today!

This post is sponsored by IdealFit but the content & opinions expressed are my own.