Nursing Bra: The Dairy Fairy Ayla Bra in cream c/o | Pajama Bottoms + Robe: Target| Swaddle: Roots + Wings
When I had Ry, I knew that I wanted to exclusively breastfeed and I did for 7 months with the help of some great consultants and delicious nursing cookies (more about that journey here). It was a dream that I had always had but as our journey went on, it was so much harder than I could have imagined. I was the only one able to feed him. I had to pump and prepare bottles before I left to go teach ballet. I was constantly nervous that I wasn’t producing enough for him and tried everything I could get my hands on to keep my supply up to demand. I loved breastfeeding but from day one, I was stressed. I never found a bra I liked. I hated the itchy disposable nursing pads. Pumping hurt and I was in an exhausted mindset. No sugar coating here y’all.
It was hard.
Fast forward to Riggs. When I was pregnant, I had this whole new determination to learn everything I could about everything baby related. I was looking for a different kind of delivery than my first – more here. I had a strong desire to try breastfeeding again but I wanted to go about it so differently. I read articles, books and tried to set myself up for success.
One of the first things I did was invest in reusable nursing pads. They’re machine washable and so much gentler on my skin than the disposable ones. Honestly, I think it’s more cost effective in the long run too – I should crunch the numbers one day. I found them online on Amazon and at Buy Buy Baby.
I stocked up on nipple cream. Truthfully, I don’t think I have used it as much as I did the first time but finding one you love is crucial. Maybe I’m just not as sensitive the second go around but I did use my fair share the first two weeks postpartum. I love the Honest Company one.
Okay, let’s talk nursing bras.
I have talked to so many women that hate, yes HATE, their nursing bras. WHAT? Why do we wear something that, in my opinion, is necessary for feeding but the whole time we are miserable in it? Just doesn’t make sense but I’ll be the first to admit that I walked around for seven months in a bra I despised. And you better believe that the moment we stopped nursing those ugly suckers went in the trash.
One day I was scrolling on the gram and came across The Dairy Fairy. They had these nifty hands free pumping bras and gorgeous lace nursing bras. They looked supportive, ultra feminine with easy clasps and great reviews. I reached out to see if I could try one during my delivery and then share with y’all my honest opinion. Well, verdicts in and as I type I am wearing one of my favorite pieces. ?
My Ayla bra came before I had Riggs and I was a little big which was good because I knew that after my milk came in I would go up about 2 sizes. True. And now she fits like a dream. I ordered the size 3 – 34C normally a 32A.
I later realized that during delivery I wanted something a little simpler; searched their website and found the Emma Sleep Nursing Bra. Basically, you can just easily pull aside the nursing panel and it’s ultra soft. I bought one in black and wore it during my birthing time. Seriously, the most comfortable thing EVER! I will share my birthing story later and you can see the Emma there ?
I wear my Ayla more during the day and for support and the Emma at night for ease of use. I would really recommend both to any nursing moms.
A few other changes I made in our breastfeeding routine was that I went into it with the idea that my body would make enough for Riggs. Now, as you have seen, kid is a BIG boy and eats just about every 1 – 1.5 hours. At first, this was so scary for me. HOW in the world would my body respond? I needed to have a little more faith because y’all our bodies are crazy amazing! I focused less on pumping (I have only pumped 3 times in his 7 weeks of life) and more just on making sure that when he is hungry we nurse no matter what. I haven’t been following any kind of sleep schedule or routine and he has been such an angel. He is a great eater and sleeper and I can truthfully say that I feel rested and so peaceful with how everything is going. Fingers crossed it continues. I attribute a lot of our success to having a positive attitude about breastfeeding and to God for helping me get there.
I hope if you’re a breastfeeding mama you can and are also having a beautiful experience