Skydiving TAKE 2 – Arizona

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T-shirts: The Home T  c/o

I surprised Mr. Smith last weekend with an adventure of a lifetime… SKYDIVING! It was my second time; I went first with my Dad for our daddy/daughter bucket list about 4 years ago. I just knew that the Hubs was going to love it and scream just as loud as I would.

Unfortunately, I was the only one screaming and these crazy boys belly laughed at me till they cried. Apparently, Tim (the one that looks thrilled to be with me) has had over 16,000 dives and was on the world skydiving team, (WHAT!) He thought it would be HIL-arious to hang me out of the plane for a good 15 seconds while I screamed bloody murder. Did I lose my voice the rest of the weekend, no (shakes head yes).

My plan was to shake some adventurous spirit out of Cam.  Free his system of the need for danger if you will.  Live on the edge just a bit. Well the plan backfired. Now he wants to get his skydiving license and enroll to base jump and use squirrel suits. Oh lordy what have I created!? Hopefully we get good life insurance…

(I joke, I joke) hashtag thegoodwife