Photography by Kourtney Marie Photography
I have always been so afraid to take family pictures in the desert. I don’t really know why, but I guess I thought the landscaping would make everything look dry & dull. When Kourtney asked where I wanted our family pictures, I initially was dreaming up a green background or hoping to steal her beautiful idea in a cotton field. But a little while back I wrote a post talking about embracing Arizona & loving where I am so I decided to embrace it & go all out; ‘Christmas with a Cactus’ is what I told Cam!
I love this season so much. I haven’t made ever party this year & honestly I never even put up our tree but I love focusing on family & the Christmas Spirit, the spirit of Christ in our home. We have been trying to let Ryker feel Christmas rather than see it – reading Christmas stories, making cookies, dancing around the house to carols, taking trips to the park & lights. We want him to feel loved & safe. We want him to understand that this time of year is about service & not gifts. I hope that as we start these habits young they become traditions that last a lifetime.
We are headed up north to the cabin with family & SNOW! I can’t even wait!!!