Blazer: Banana Republic; Shoes: Gianni Bini; Skirt: Forever21; Tights: Target; Skirt: Downeast; Belt: Vintage
This was such an exciting Sunday for us. We both received callings in our church and were so happy! Cam was called as the Priest Adviser (he teaches boys ages 16-17) and is so eager to prepare them for their missions! I was called to be 2nd counselor in the Young Women’s Presidency (work will girls 12-17 and help advise for 12-13 year olds).
Seriously, this could not come at a better time. A. Wednesday nights are our only “free” night so it works perfect with youth activities and B. we love the youth! We even got to chaperon a tri-stake youth dance last night for youth conference. I may have been mistaken as a fellow youth by a 16 year old boy. He may have hit on me. I may have smiled and let it slide as to not embarrass him OR myself… oh my…
Also… I made a delicious dinner tonight! Go check it out and make it, because it sure was a hit in our house!