Surprise Party – Cam Turns 25!

Cameron is turning the BIG 25 this weekend but we decided to celebrate a little early! I had a great weekend planned for him with help from all his friends and family! Saturday morning Cam went out shooting with the scouts Then I sent him to Mesa for his first flight lesson of his pilots license! He got to spend the day with Dad which is pretty much one of his favorite things to do... Then...

Duke Turns 1

Okay so we're THOSE people that celebrate our dogs birthday but who cares! Our sweet baby puppy turned 1 today! I looked up the conversion and it's ten and a half in dog years but I don't know... Duke weighs 76lbs and loves peanut butter, so... I made him this doggie cake! He loved it and even let us put on a party hat that Cameron made him. He got a new walking collar and leash for his big day...

Italian Restaurant Find

 {We are trying to find the little things Arizona has that you can't find anywhere else.  Landscapes, shops, hikes, restaurants.}   Hubby took me to a delicious little Italian bistro called Nostalgi'a Cancione e Vino that we would have never found, but DID because another restaurant was closed AND it was AMAZING! They have great lighting for the atmosphere, live...

White Coat Lovin

Cameron had his White Coat Ceremony this past Friday October 5, 2012 I am so proud of him and how hard he is working through dental school.  This sure is a long journey but we are going to make it as fun as possible.  We love adventure! We had a dinner Sunday night and invited a lot of our first year MWU friends over to meet and share in the experience! My friend Shelle made this...