Our First Home!
When Cameron and I first started looking for a place to live while we were engaged we toured the good, the bad, and the eww gross! You think I am just being a girl and exaggerating but Cam literally pulled up to one place and turned around before I could get out of the car. We went into some apartments that were so old I was afraid a mouse was going to be my neighbor. Well luckily we went to this amazing Bridal Fair that is awesome and has just about everything you need to plan a wedding (if you are getting married in Utah) but it still gives great ideas, has yummy food, giveaways, and housing options. We ran across the greatest apartment with sweet managers and a great location. After we got a tour and read prices we were hooked and put down our deposit. Seriously it was the best decision ever, we love the location, the ward, bishop, our neighbors, everything is great! Lucky us!
Yes, Cam’s bike stays in our room. |