Mardi Gras Themed Birthday

Cupcakes Made By My Amazing Mother-in-Law once again she is amazing! I see a future cake business in her future! With my Dad being from New Orleans we always had a Mardi Gras party to celebrate! It was so fun to dress up and eat cajun food and play games! Cameron's birthday fell right on the holiday this year so I planned a Mardi Gras birthday theme for him! Amazon has great finds for masks and...

Surprise Party – Cam Turns 25!

Cameron is turning the BIG 25 this weekend but we decided to celebrate a little early! I had a great weekend planned for him with help from all his friends and family! Saturday morning Cam went out shooting with the scouts Then I sent him to Mesa for his first flight lesson of his pilots license! He got to spend the day with Dad which is pretty much one of his favorite things to do... Then...